quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2014

''San Diego Comic Con 2014'' - Exposições, Lançamentos e Surpresas

Hey Monstrinhos e Monstrinhas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A San Diego Comic Con desse ano começou hoje, dia 24, mas como em todos os anos, no dia anterior , dia 23, foi dada uma espiadinha em todos os Stands por pessoas com passe VIP ou que foram autorizadas. Já que esse é um super evento onde Monster High tem confirmação garantida farei vários posts sobre tudo que tá rolando lá.

Nesses 2 primeiros dias de Comic Con, rolaram muitas exposições de dolls de Monster High, quem foi até o evento, viu um dos stands mais completos com várias coleções, já conhecidas e inéditas, da marca.

Vamos começar falando sobre o exclusivo pack duplo desse ano com Iris Clops e Manny Tour, como já sabemos quem foi ao evento, podia comprar o casal de bonecos.



My girl came through T^T
So grateful!!!!!!!! momdusa:


My girl came through T^T
So grateful!!!!!!!!

Também, como já disse antes, foram encontrados stands com diversos temas e coleções na ala de Monster High, cada um mais perfeito que o outro.

( Coleção Sweet Screams )


Everyone prolly saw this stuff already? Anyway these were taken as soon as we got there (but after we made sure my host and generous benefactors’ friend was in the Mattel line). Walked past people with just DOZENS of Manny boxes- it wasn’t looking good initially. There were more little kids at the booth then I was expecting?? (I didn’t stay to take too many cause the booth was filling up) I srsly forget the fandom isn’t all adults, lol.
Met Garrett finally :D Ran into riggles323 and neptunableu, and some old comic cronies. Didn’t buy a whole lot, but had a ton of fun :D :D :D

( Coleção Manster : Pack 2)


Everyone prolly saw this stuff already? Anyway these were taken as soon as we got there (but after we made sure my host and generous benefactors’ friend was in the Mattel line). Walked past people with just DOZENS of Manny boxes- it wasn’t looking good initially. There were more little kids at the booth then I was expecting?? (I didn’t stay to take too many cause the booth was filling up) I srsly forget the fandom isn’t all adults, lol.
Met Garrett finally :D Ran into riggles323 and neptunableu, and some old comic cronies. Didn’t buy a whole lot, but had a ton of fun :D :D :D

( Coleção Swim Class Wave 3 )


Everyone prolly saw this stuff already? Anyway these were taken as soon as we got there (but after we made sure my host and generous benefactors’ friend was in the Mattel line). Walked past people with just DOZENS of Manny boxes- it wasn’t looking good initially. There were more little kids at the booth then I was expecting?? (I didn’t stay to take too many cause the booth was filling up) I srsly forget the fandom isn’t all adults, lol.
Met Garrett finally :D Ran into riggles323 and neptunableu, and some old comic cronies. Didn’t buy a whole lot, but had a ton of fun :D :D :D

( Coleção Coffin Bean Wave 2 + Playset Social Spots )

Alt Channel Alt Channel

Alt Channel momdusa:

the new CAMS & Inner Monsters

( We Are Monster High Pack 5 )


Everyone prolly saw this stuff already? Anyway these were taken as soon as we got there (but after we made sure my host and generous benefactors’ friend was in the Mattel line). Walked past people with just DOZENS of Manny boxes- it wasn’t looking good initially. There were more little kids at the booth then I was expecting?? (I didn’t stay to take too many cause the booth was filling up) I srsly forget the fandom isn’t all adults, lol.
Met Garrett finally :D Ran into riggles323 and neptunableu, and some old comic cronies. Didn’t buy a whole lot, but had a ton of fun :D :D :D

( I <3 Fashion )

( Freaky Fusion )


( Secret Creepers + Jane Boolittle )

( Iris Clops + Manny Tour )

( Stand com Casais de Monster High )

Além das exposições de coleções conhecidas tivemos muitas surpresas nesses primeiros dias de Comic Con, que como sempre, tem os melhores lançamentos.

Primeiro temos a exposição do pack duplo da Rochelle e Garrott como atração do primeiro dia de Comic Con, isso realmente foi uma surpresa para nós porque ninguém esperava que um personagem coadjuvante de um filme fosse ganhar um boneco, mas mesmo assim, não tem como não adorar essa novidade.

Outras exposições, já previstas, foram o lançamento da linha ''Ghouls Chat'' com Rochelle e Catrine e o pack quadruplo com a família Wolf.

E por último nesse post maior que o ego da Nefera, temos a atração ( sombra revelada ) da Comic Con de hoje, a boneca da Casta Fierce, a mais nova monstrinha, que apesar de não ser de Monster High, atrai os olhares e ouvidos de todos lá.


Esses foram os melhores momentos e imagens dos 2 primeiros dias da SDDC desse ano, e podem aguardar porque muito mais surpresas vem por aí!

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